XV International Meeting Criminal Sciences 2023

The Attorney General of the Republic of Cuba convenes the XV International Meeting on Criminal Sciences 2023 and the III Legality, Law and Society Event, which will take place at the Convention Center in Havana, Cuba, from March 14 to 17, 2023.

The main thematic axes of the meeting will include: Constitution and Public Ministry. Challenges and challenges in contemporaneity; the role of the State as a guarantee of effective public management; State, society and law in the fight against corruption and other associated manifestations; effective judicial protection and Due Process; as well as gender, law and violence prevention.

The event will take place through conferences, special interventions and presentations previously selected by the Scientific Committee, which will be sent in digital version until January 4, 2023. Those who, without having to present presentations, cover the established registration fee.

Those interested will include the following information: names and surnames of the author(s) (up to two per paper), title of the paper, institution to which it belongs and email. Papers will not exceed 30 pages, will be presented in Times New Roman font, size 12, 1.5 line spacing justified, citations and bibliographic references in accordance with APA standards. They will also present an abstract of 250 to 500 words that will include the keywords.

For delegates, speakers and students, the registration fee includes accreditation / access to all activities / certificate of participation and the final activity. Delegates who attend remotely will receive the certificate of participation.


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