XI International Conference for Renewable Energy, Energy Saving and Energy Education

Dear Colleagues,

The Study Center for Renewable Energy Technologies (CETER), from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the Technological University of Havana «José Antonio Echeverría» (CUJAE) invites scientists, engineers, manufactures, investors, policy makers, energy users and other specialists to the XI International Conference for Renewable Energy, Energy Saving and Energy Education (CIER2025) to be held from June 4 – 6, 2025, at Havana Libre Tryp Hotel, in Havana, Cuba.

The use of renewable energy sources and their projections toward the future in Cuba, are the main objectives on the agenda of specialists. The efficient use of renewable sources and the search for new ways of using these sources, will enable an increase in the use of renewable sources connected to the Cuban Electric System. CETER’s goal is for CIER 2025 to be a stage where the results achieved in the energy sphere can be exposed, a mission that the center has had since its foundation on December 13, 1992.

CIER 2025 Themes
I. Renewable energy sources (RES), hybrids and energy storage: Wind, Photovoltaic, solar-thermal, hydro-power, biomass, biogas, marine systems, hydrogen, fuel cells, and energy storage systems. Stand alone and grid connected renewable energy systems. The RES in local development and local policies. RES management, business and
financing models. Role of the RES in transport. The RES in smart microgrids.

II. Energy saving, management and efficiency: Energy management, energy efficiency and saving (electricity grids, combustion, boilers, flow machines and power generation systems). Exergy analysis, cogeneration, combined systems, air-conditioning and refrigeration, energy efficient appliances, rational use of water, tensioactives and emulsions as fuels. Supply networks optimization. Energy planning. Sustainable built environment. Cogeneration systems. Alternative engines

III.  Energy management and saving in transport: Conventional and alternative fuels, storage systems, hybrid vehicles, alternative transport systems: animal traction, alternative engines, electrical vehicles, wind powered, solar powered, compressed air systems and others

IV. Energy, science, technology and Society: Legal frameworks and regulatory bodies, financial schemes and incentives, programs: international, regional and local, climate change, meteorology, science and technology, Life Cycle Analysis (LCA), eco-tourism, permaculture, ecology and development, society and development.

V. Culture and Energy Education: Energy education programs of all levels, short courses postgraduate. Education in engineering systems, information and communications systems, TICs, promotion, publications and mass media, specialized institutions, research in energy education, art and culture.

Within the frame of this conference, several workshops regarding to the different subjects of CIER2025 will carry out: VIII International Workshop on Wind Energy, VI International Workshop on Saving, Efficiency and Energy Management, IV International Workshop on Photovoltaic Solar Energy, III Workshop on Biomass, VI Workshop on Energy, Science, Culture and Energy Education, III International Workshop on Business Opportunities and II Circular Economy Workshop

At CIER 2025, make your difference, publicize your achievements and/or promote your company! We offer you an exhibition space in which exponents of a wide range of products, services and research in the energy branch, from the private and state sectors will participate.

CIER 2025 will be held within the framework of the International Day for Renewable Energy Sources, Energy Efficiency and the Environment. The Ibero-American University Symposium on the Environment, SUIMA, an event specialized in environmental issues, will be held in parallel to CIER 2025. All CIER participants also have the opportunity to participate in SUIMA.

CIER 2025 provides an excellent setting to share experiences and create synergies, facing the challenge of achieving sustainable energy development.

At CIER 2025 you will be able to express your present successes and your commitments for tomorrow. The solution is with everyone and for everyone, without further ado, see you in June 2025.

Reception of Abstracts: March/2/2025
Reception of papers: April/17/2025

– Ministerio de Educación Superior (MES)
– Ministerio de Energía y Minas de Cuba (MINEM)
– Grupo Nacional de Universidades de las FRE (GNUFRE)
– Ministerio de Industria (MINDUS)
– Asociación mundial de Energía Eólica (WWEA)
– Corporate Energies

Organizing committee, President:: Dr. Ing. Joel Morales Salas
Secretario del Comité Organizador: Dr. Ing. Cesar Cisneros Ramírez
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