The Center for Youth Studies and the Union of Young Communists call for the International Congress of Youth Researchers to be held between September 23 and 27, 2024, at the Plaza América Convention Center, Varadero, Cuba.
The central theme of the event will be: Youth and SDGs: the future is today.
Researchers, students and other professionals linked to work with these populations may participate.
The event’s objectives are:
- Provide a space for theoretical-methodological debate on the realities of the youth of the world today.
- Systematize academic and scientific results that contribute to the improvement of effective public policies for the comprehensive development of youth.
- Promote actions aimed at achieving the SDGs.
- Public policies, protection, political action and citizen participation.
- Inequalities, racism, marginalization, addictions and poverty.
- Cultural decolonization, identities and imaginaries of southern youth, women’s empowerment.
- Media representations, information and communications technologies.
- Peacebuilding processes, mediation and conflict resolution, violence prevention.
- Migration processes.
- Leadership, social movements and youth participation.
The perspectives: age, territorial and gender will constitute transversal axes in each of the proposed themes, aligned with the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The congress will assume the hybrid modality. Those interested may participate in person or virtually.
Job submission:
You can participate as a speaker (work presentation or Poster) or as a participant (without work).
Registration will only be carried out through the site:investigadoresjuventudcuba.com, where you must send your personal data and the summary of your proposal (up to 250 words).
You will only be considered registered in the Congress when the acceptance of your work is confirmed and the registration fee has been paid.
Participants interested in publishing their presentation must register in Estudio magazine and send their proposal to the magazine’s platform: https://www.revistaestudios.cu/index.php/ES/
All registered people will be given a certification that accredits them as a speaker or participant.
Book and magazine presentations:
Those who wish to submit publications may send their proposals by email: cesjcuba@gmail.com
Important dates:
Deadline for submission of abstracts |
June 28, 2024 |
Sending proposals for the presentation of books and magazines |
June 28, 2024 |
Closing date for submission of papers for publication |
June 28, 2024 |
Closing of electronic poster submission
September 1st, 2024 |
Pre-congress courses:
During the months of May, June and September, pre-conference courses will be held. The course program and the way to register will be announced in the month of March.
The general program of the congress will be published on September 10, 2024 on the official site and profiles of the Center for Youth Studies.
As many notices as deemed necessary related to Congress sessions, courses and other information will be issued.
For more information, contact us through the following email address: cesjcuba@gmail.com, telephone: (53) 7 832 6970